Connect and Grow Magazine: Issue 15: November - December 2024
Are you aware of how your relationships impact your Health and wellbeing? Some relationships are excellent, supportive, and empower us, while others are toxic and not good for us at all.
In this article, we will go through 3 signs of a toxic, unhealthy relationship and then a couple of steps to moving away from unhealthy relationships and taking back control of your life for a healthier, brighter future for yourself.
When it comes to our relationships, they can either uplift us or gradually erode our confidence and self-belief. Some individuals may engage in behaviours like gaslighting, which can be challenging to recognise initially. We often start questioning our perceptions and feelings, believing the issues lie within ourselves rather than acknowledging the manipulation at play. This type of emotional manipulation can create a toxic environment where the other person seeks to gain control or satisfy their own needs at the expense of their self-worth. It's crucial to remain aware of these dynamics and prioritise our mental and emotional health in any relationship.
Before I go through the signs of a toxic relationship, let's first define a relationship.
A relationship is where two or more people are connected. It can be a working relationship, a friendship, a romantic partnership, or even when you work together. You also have a relationship with yourself.
Every Relationship in our lives is different, and we have different expectations for each of us. When workplace relationships hurt our Health and well-being, they can lead to increased sick leave and decreased productivity. While you may enjoy your job, you may become dissatisfied if you feel uncomfortable in the workplace, and the issue still needs to be resolved. Leaving the job or a relationship can be challenging, even if it is best for you!
3 Negative behaviours that can affect Health and wellbeing:
1. Constant Criticism: If you frequently experience criticism or belittlement of your achievements when you suggest something, this can undermine your self-esteem and overall mental Health. When it comes from a partner, it may look different and require slightly different handling than in the workplace. Feedback is important. However, criticism is not helpful. Feedback is empowering, especially when the person asks for it and is open to learning from others. Unsolicited feedback we often see on social media and in relationships can make a person receiving it defensive. Have you noticed yourself feeling that way or like you can “never” do anything right? If so, take note of how often it occurs.
2. Lack of Support: A healthy relationship should be a source of support. If your partner, work colleagues, or manager are dismissive of your goals or indifferent to your struggles, it may create feelings of isolation and frustration. Whenever you experience a lack of support, you may feel like you need more support and that you have to do everything on your own. The more you experience this, the harder it is to ask for help and support or accept it when offered.
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3. Emotional Instability: If the other person/people exhibit extreme mood swings or engage in emotional manipulation, it can create a chaotic environment that affects your emotional well-being. This behaviour can make you question yourself and your actions, creating doubt. Doubt may lead to anxiety and stress, which has a direct impact on all aspects of your Health. Every person is responsible for their emotions and how they interact with others; notice how others treat you and how you feel after interacting with them. Ideally, after most interactions, you want to feel good; at the very least, it is neutral. If you feel drained, exhausted, and like it is an effort every time, it is time to reflect on this situation even more.
First Step towards Taking back control of Your Health and Wellbeing
Recognising the issue is the first crucial Step. Reflect on the Relationship and assess how it makes you feel. Consider seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional to help navigate your feelings and make a plan for your future. Relationships, Health, and well-being are essential for a fulfilling life.
It's essential to clarify the purpose of the Relationship and evaluate its ability to foster positive changes. Some changes are straightforward, while others necessitate accountability from everyone involved. If the other person or people refuse to take ownership of their actions or are unwilling to discuss your concerns, you may need to decide the Relationship. If the Relationship is in the workplace, it could mean choosing to whom you speak next, how far you escalate things, and whether you need to change jobs. None of these decisions is easy or maybe easy; however, taking action may be challenging. Take your time with these decisions.
The next step is ensuring you take care of yourself.
Being in a toxic relationship and then choosing to leave it is exhausting and there is a lot to process on multiple different levels.
Taking time out for yourself is essential for your Health, well-being, and inner peace.
Time out could be a weekend away or scheduling time out for you each day in your diary, where your entire focus is on YOU and you alone. You may go for a walk or sit outside with a coffee/tea/hot chocolate; this gives you time for some self-reflection and reconnecting with who you are, what is essential for you and YOUR life, and what brings you joy, happiness, energy, and passion. You are worthy of the very best.
Always seek professional support and input from the right person. While friends and family may be a great support, there are times when you require input from an experienced professional, which is relevant to all the different types of relationships we have in our lives!
Written by
Jacqui Grant
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