Connect & Grow Magazine Issue 15: November- December 2025
In Uniquely Me this month, we are sharing Kelly’s story of Resilience!
Allow me to introduce you to Kelly, an incredible young woman who has overcome significant life obstacles and faced challenges no one ever should. She has not only survived but thrived.
Her story of hardship begins from the time she was born and the family she was born into.
Kelly is a young woman aged 21 who has the Down syndrome gene; she also has autism and is hearing impaired after being abused as a baby.
I first met Kelly 17 years ago when she was admitted to the hospital as a young child who had been neglected by her parents, both of whom are now deceased. Drugs were their priority, and this meant that Kelly was not taken care of, nor did she receive early medical treatment. At the time I met Kelly, she had been admitted with a head injury, and it turns out that as a result of that injury, she lost 80% of her hearing in both ears; she was in the wrong way and yet she always managed to smile for some of us.
When social services were involved, she was placed with a family and then another family, so many people put her in the too-hard basket.
Years passed, and I met Kelly again; this was 5 years ago when she was looking for an NDIS support worker to assist her. She had a plan and was doing her best to access services; however, many treated her as too complicated and did not take the time to listen. I sat with her and listened, and it was upsetting to hear how many support workers she met and then, because of the way she looks and also her limited hearing, they attempted to manipulate her. However, Kelly has a high IQ and is now studying law, but it has been challenging. She finally found two support workers who understood her and took the time to connect with her properly.
NDIS is hard enough to navigate as a person who does not live with a disability. Still, for those who have a disability, it can be highly stressful and frustrating, especially with all the changes that have been going on since 3rd October 2024.
Kelly had a plan that included 18 hours of support work a week, plus some Physiotherapy and Occupational therapy; last week (mid-November 2024), she received a phone call to be told that her support workers, all three, are not being paid; they are in what is called ABN locks and the minute that occurred they all stopped services immediately without notice, it has left Kelly yet again having to find support workers, she doesn't have support coordination funding.
“Support Workers are an essential part of our life!”
The support workers had service agreements in place, and as Kelly has shared: " I understand people need to be paid, but to just decide after 1 week of invoices not being paid by NDIS and the independent business, just chose not to show up leaving me to try and struggle was not okay." Kelly had a stroke 2 years ago and has some weakness on her left side, so she requires some assistance with some daily living activities. “
Kelly shared: "The support workers told me they had no policies and procedures, never made case notes, and never asked me to sign anything, even when I asked them about timesheets. However, the NDIS payment integrity team asked them for these documents after their invoices were declined; however, because they couldn't produce them, they were not paid, leaving me without support. Given the plan is only 4 weeks old, there is plenty of funding. I don't know what to do, as I can't keep being let down by support workers who talk about how great they are and how they know all about autism and hearing impairment but have no real understanding and are very manipulative. It has been extremely stressful, and I feel for people who do not have the capabilities I have and what they would do if they lost their support!"
"NDIS has been hard for many people like me who have a permanent disability, and the unregistered business, who make up their own rules and abandon people when they are needed the most, makes it hard to live a life of certainty and stress-free!”
Kelly has now found a job and is continuing her studies. She has managed to get a private support worker who can be paid without it being through NDIS, even though this is a struggle for Kelly. She has an NDIS plan that has hardly been touched. If the NDIS payment integrity team keeps not paying people, it is hard to keep your team together. Kelly says she is now studying law so she can make a more significant difference in this world and help fight for the rights of others.
When I asked Kelly why she wanted to share her story, she responded, " Not everyone is as lucky as me to have people in their life. They often don't have people like me who have encouraged me to be as independent as possible and to be able to find a way. While I am entitled to NDIS and have a plan, it is not okay that my support workers are not paid for the work they do, and then I am left without support. Taking back control of my life is not easy, but I have no choice but to find a way!"
With the right support, many things can be achieved!
Kelly has inspired me with her story of resilience and being able to keep going no matter what comes her way. She has an incredible smile. Many people share their stories but stay in the victim state instead of sharing their experiences to let others know they are not alone. There is a way; getting there sometimes takes a little longer. Never give up. Eventually, there will be a way forward.
Written by Jacqui Grant
Giving back
As part of our Uniquely Me program, we always give back to the community.
We are giving 5% of our bracelets and coffee mugs sales.
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